5 Easy Ways to Stay Musically Inspired!
Author: Oxygen Music Date Posted:17 April 2018

Here at Oxygen Music we have seen and heard the best and worst of School Music Departments and Teaching studios. Running a successful program and helping develop the next generation of musicians can be exciting and rewarding, but it can also be frustrating and exhausting at the same time.
At Oxygen Music, we’re here to help you and we understand the problems faced everyday by School Music Departments and Private Teachers. So here is 5 easy and efficient ways to ensure your music students are enjoying their music, practicing regularly and you are feeling energised by your music teaching.
- Remember to enjoy your own music
All too often, music teachers are so busy running classes, bands or doing lessons that we forget the reason we started playing music in the first place…because we enjoyed it! Take some time to play your instrument or listen to music you enjoy. Learn a new song or see a concert. You must find time to rediscover your love for music and in turn you will be excited to share this with your students.
- Stay Up to Date
Music evolves all the time and your students will be inspired by listening to their favourite artists and bands, so it’s important you stay up to date with the latest trends. By showing your interest in current music, you are also winning respect and trust from your students. Mix up your teaching methods with the occasional surprise new hit song or movie tune…your students will love it and you’ll be a pretty cool music teacher as well. Oxygen Music always stock the latest Print Music for all instruments, styles and levels, so check out our range or ask us for some guidance on ‘what’s hot!’
- Music must be fun
Learning music becomes a chore when it is no longer fun and this is when you risk losing students or class/band sizes diminish. Try to mix up your lessons or classes with musical games or projects. By occasionally introducing a music game, music challenge or music project, you will engage your students and bring the excitement back. Watching a live concert, listening to new music or putting on a small show is also a great way to maintaining the fun.Oxygen Music has a great range of fun music games and songbooks designed for generating a fun, positive music program.
- Expand your music selection
We regularly speak to teachers about new teaching materials and books. By introducing something new and different in your lessons, not only do you accomplish a new challenge but you inspire your students to stretch their musical tastes. Apart from the latest song books, Oxygen Music also stocks the latest in teaching method books for most instruments.
- Learn a new instrument
There is nothing stopping you from learning a new instrument. Why not try something cheap and easy like the Harmonica, Ukulele or Percussion. This is another way to expand your musical skills and also introduce something fun and different to your music program or music lessons.