Caring For Your Brass and Woodwind Instrument

One of the first and most important skills a beginning instrument player should learn is how to properly assemble, care for, clean and maintain their new instrument. Whether it be the student’s own or a school hire instrument, starting off with the right knowledge and habits to care for your instrument will hopefully prevent some costly repairs and servicing in the future. This video from Yamaha Australia shows brass and woodwind product and repair specialist Brae Grimes explain how to properly assemble and clean a flute.
At Oxygen Music we sell a wide range of quality brass and woodwind cleaning and care products such as internal cleaning swabs, rods, polishing cloths, cork grease, oils and other lubricants and can assist with choosing the right product for your needs. Whilst the safest place for storing your instrument is in its case, a good quality instrument stand can be a great option to securely sit your instrument whilst you are having a break from practicing and prevent it being knocked over and or even inadvertently sat on! Please come in and speak to our friendly staff anytime about a range of Brass and Woodwind care products and accessories that will help keep your valuable instrument performing at it's best.